Thursday, May 13, 2021

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Why the Aliens Should be Polite and Say Hello

If aliens are in our solar system they should really say hello. Why? The paranoia caused by mysterious visits to Earth could cause serious problems for humans. What paranoia you say? The Department of Defense is expected to release a report about what they call Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. UAP is the new term for what has in the past been called UFOs. Some of what that report will contain has already been leaked. The Pentagon has confirmed that there are several instances of military sightings of UAP that cannot be explained. It seems unlikely the DOD report will say much beyond that, but that alone would be major news.

You can already see the change in media coverage of UAP in terms of tone and number of stories on the subject. The New York Times and Washington Post have been reporting on the military sightings for a couple of years now. In recent days, the New Yorker, NBC, NPR, and other established media outlets have joined in.

There are concerns that China or Russia could be responsible for these UAP, which is alarming from a military perspective. Many of the reports include descriptions of aerial maneuvers that no known human aircraft could accomplish. If humans have that technology the US Department of Defense is concerned, because they don’t. And if the activity is not human, but rather controlled by extraterrestrial intelligence, that raises huge questions: Who are they? What are they doing here?  Do they threaten our security?

All of that creates paranoia and not just for the United States. If China and Russia are not responsible for those UAP, it seems likely they would be quite concerned, as well. And what happens when humans are concerned about their security? Often knee jerk reactions. Ezra Klein has an interesting piece in the New York Times today that talks about those issues.

Nations concerned about their safety could take measures to increase their military technology and resources. They could aim nuclear weapons into space. They could be so busy watching for aliens that they end up having conflicts with each other. You would like to believe that an extraterrestrial mystery would bring us together as humans and that nations would put more resources into scientific research to help answer these questions. But the military buildup seems inevitable in such a situation.

Malevolent aliens would be morons to reveal themselves in such ways before an attack. And if they have the technology to visit out planet, they are probably not dumb. Benevolent aliens might take such UAP actions in order to prepare us slowly for their existence. However, that is only helpful for so long. Now we are headed into a level of concern that could make humans even more dangerous than we already are. So, if aliens have been visiting, it’s time to say hello.

As I point out in my new book- The The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves” aliens would want to say hello to all humans at the same time. Making First Contact with one nation could make the event political and quickly turn it into an international relations problem. What should benevolent or at least neutral aliens do? I suggest a welcome to all humans at the same time using the news media and communications networks here on Earth. I explore a few ways to do that in the book. It is available on Amazon worldwide.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Extraterrestrial First Contact: What Are They?

The media is buzzing with expectation over the US Department of Defense report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). It’s due in June, however several sources have said it could be delayed.

UAP are the military rebrand for UFOs. And the need for a new name is completely understandable. Humans have twisted the UFO concept in so many directions in the last few decades that it’s hard to take seriously. I have said before and will state again- I don’t believe that UAP are necessarily activity organized by an extraterrestrial intelligence. My reasoning is simple- no one has provided evidence of such. When there is evidence, I will revise my thinking. The recent UAP military leaks have been quite interesting, perhaps the most intriguing UFO reports yet. But UAP could also be Russian drones or advanced Chinese aircraft. And quite frankly- that’s what the military is most concerned about.

But what if the speculation about alien visitors turns out to be correct? What would we have to consider? I’ve been exploring those issues on the blog this month. Today, I want to look at the biggest question of all – if there is alien activity here on Earth- who are they? It’s pure speculation and there has been plenty of that put forth. So, I want to ask a more specific question: what are they?

Interstellar travel is not easy. There are vast distances between stars and galaxies. With our current understanding of physics, it would take an alien intelligence thousands of years to travel to Earth, even if they were from a relatively close star system and could travel at speeds much faster than our current science can support. It’s also a pain in the ass for biological beings to travel through space. Humans are planning for a manned mission to Mars- in our celestial backyard compared to interstellar travel. And yet considerations of cosmic radiation, space debris, oxygen, food, and water will make the manned Mars effort quite challenging. So, imagine what it would take for biological beings to travel light years?

So, this is my first proposal: If extraterrestrial intelligence has visited Earth or our solar system, it is likely to be in the form of an advanced probe, not controlled by on-board biological beings.

I agree with the astrophysicists who propose that any extraterrestrial intelligence we meet someday is likely to be controlled by some level of artificial intelligence and without any biological beings on board.

Why? It’s much easier. We already have human spacecraft traveling outside of our solar system. We’re using rovers to explore Mars, as we speak. It seems likely that if we decide to visit a nearby star in some future exploratory effort, we will send probes first. And who knows- maybe that is all we do? Maybe it’s all an alien civilization has done- send unpiloted probes out into the universe to explore?

Unpiloted alien drones would certainly help to explain the wild aeronautical maneuvers some pilots have reported with UAP. It’s tough to move biological beings around in advanced maneuvers due to the impact of G-forces to our bodies.

Such actions would not be an issue for a mechanical drone. The other question is why alien drone would be lit up and dancing around for fighter pilots to witness? The only reason to light up your aerial vehicle is to attract attention. Humans do it to prevent aircraft from running into each other. Perhaps an alien drone is lit up to prevent human aircraft from running into it? Or ETI could be trying to attract attention for some other reason- perhaps to prepare humans for revelation of their presence?

My second proposal: Such probes would have some level of operational intelligence. That could be powered by advanced programming. It is what we are doing on Mars with the Perseverance Rover. It is controlled from Earth, but only at times. There are times when it can act autonomously, such as picking out a target to study. It also needs to do complex activities while having no communication with Earth. That happened during landing and initial start-up sequences. That’s our best technology for a space probe in 2021. What will we be able to do in 2027? Or 2050?

Let’s then take the next leap- what would an advanced extraterrestrial civilization be capable of? The consideration of an advanced alien probe here on Earth becomes a little less crazy when you think of it that way. It could be a programmed probe. However, given the massive distances that commands would need to travel from another star system that also seems unlikely. With our current science, such messages would make many years. It seems more likely such a probe would have some degree of artificial intelligence.

My third proposal: An alien probe here on Earth, controlled by artificial intelligence, could be described in one of two ways- Smart or Sentient. Smart AI could have the capabilities to carry out all sorts of research activity on its own. Sentient AI would go a step further- it would have agency in decision making. What that means is a hotly contested subject here on Earth. I take it to mean the AI would be able to respond to advanced challenges, make changes to its mission based on local needs, and make original decisions, beyond programming, all with some type of self-awareness.

That’s about as far as I want to go with this speculation. There could be many reasons for why such probes would be on Earth, some better for human society than others. The amount of contact they have had with humans and how long they have been operating on Earth are other obvious questions.

I don’t think the upcoming DOD UAP report will discuss any of this. It is most likely going to raise more questions than provide answers. It could, however, be the catalyst for the military to investigate UAP with a proactive search using advanced technology.

And let me say one final thing on the issue of UAP. If some of the UFO reports turn out to truly be the activity of extraterrestrial intelligence it doesn’t mean that all UFO reports and allegations are true. Humans have tied such considerations into exaggeration, myth, and storytelling for decades. UFO encounters are also a common sign of psychological problems. And on the flip side- abduction reports could be true. It would be an important question if First Contact does occur here in our solar system someday. If we do find evidence of alien visitation, let’s react calmly and sort out the situation strategically.

My primary focus for this blog is what could happen if humans do make First Contact in the future. I examine those issues in my new book The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves.” It is available on Amazon worldwide.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Extraterrestrial First Contact: What to do about UAP?

The US Department of Defense is supposed to release a report this summer about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) near US military operations. It is expected to outline a series of incidents in which experts could not determine the nature of the phenomena in question. That’s a fancy way of saying UFOs are back in the headlines, folks. I haven’t written much on this blog about UFOs. There are plenty of people who do work in that area and there is an abundance of books and articles about the subject.

I personally don’t believe that UFOs are operated by extraterrestrial intelligence for one primary reason – no one has ever provided clear evidence. When clear evidence is presented, I will consider it. However, there have been some strange interactions that are well-documented by both humans with aerial expertise (primarily military pilots) and high-tech instrumentation. Some of those encounters are said to be without explanation. That is what is expected to be addressed in the military UAP report this summer. Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb suggests that merely shuffling through old reports is not much of an investigation. In this opinion piece for The Hill, he calls for a scientific investigation using the latest astronomical technology- and not just searching hundreds of light years away for evidence of ETI- but also in our own backyard. It’s a logical next step.

So, let’s take a moment to consider the issue in a way that fits in with my area of focus- how humans would realistically respond to alien First Contact. Let’s say that the UFOs spotted by the military are indeed controlled by ETI. It seems likely that the only way we will know for sure is if they decide to reveal themselves and say hello. What should humans do in that scenario? I have a few ideas:

-Ask for a full accounting of all ETI technology in our solar system, specifying:

            -Exact locations

            -The level of interaction with human cyber networks: public, non-public, and secret.

-Ask for a complete withdrawal of all ETI systems from Earth.

-Ask for a full accounting of all interaction with humans and other life on Earth.

-State our intention, as humans collectively, to remain independent and have full agency over First Contact going forward.

-Demand alien non-interference in our governments and other institutions.

-Demand a pledge of alien neutrality in national conflicts and competition.

-Pull together space, military, and security agencies from many nations to work together to monitor ETI, including:

            -Physical presence in our solar system and on Earth

            -Cyber presence within human networks

-Set up an international response framework for immediate diplomatic needs.

-Work towards a more robust International framework to move forward with diplomacy.

-Listen to human public reaction and human public concerns.

-Consider human reaction on an international level and as a mechanism to instruct leaders on how to move forward.

-Be prepared for fringe groups and power brokers to use the situation to their advantage.

-Call out such actions as they occur so the public understands motivations behind fear appeals.

-Acknowledge legitimate concerns and provide a plan to address those concerns.

I explore these issues in my new book  The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves.” It is available on Amazon worldwide.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Culture Wars

Here’s a frightening thought: could a high information extraterrestrial First Contact event lead to extensive civil disturbance in America and other countries? That may sound crazy, but let’s review the current situation in the United States. Political divisions are not just pronounced, they’re volatile. The January 6 riot at the US Capitol is the most obvious example. 

There are many differences in the United States between the two major parties- Democrats and Republicans. But when you boil it down, the biggest conflict between the two parties is over change. In general, Republicans want the organization of American society to stay as it has been and perhaps even revert to past power structures. Generally, Democrats want things to change. Those "things" range from LGBTQ rights to political power for minorities. Economic transitions are also a big factor. The changing landscape for the American worker is of great concern for many Republicans. A 2020 PRRI survey, as reported in, “showed that 46%  of Republicans think American culture and the nation's way of life have changed for the better since the 1950s, compared to 62% of Democrats.” That may not seem like a big difference, until you consider what some of those folks on the right are willing to do to get their way. Denying the results of a Presidential election and storming the US Capitol are extreme measures.

High information extraterrestrial contact has the potential to be the most radical change in human history. While polls show that people are generally accepting of the concept of extraterrestrial intelligence, I have not seen any surveys that ask about high information first contact and the prospect of cultural change. What would people fear? Losing the same things they are worried about losing now: culture, power, and position. 

Those fears could be exacerbated by extraterrestrial contact. And some of the concerns would be quite reasonable. Humans would have to be careful in such a situation to make sure that a technologically advanced alien culture did not supplant our human cultures. That could happen even if the extraterrestrial visitors are benevolent. And it’s not just a cultural risk. A tsunami of new scientific information could destroy the foundation of our sciences.

I am using the United States as the primary example here, just because it is the situation I am most familiar with. However, I would imagine conflict could occur in countries across the planet. There may be different underlying fears nation to nation, some based in religion, but the result could be the same- a chaotic debate, perhaps turning violent.

So, what could we do to prevent extreme reactions? I think the most important remedy would be listening. It would be ridiculous to assume that there is a “right way” and a “wrong way” to view extraterrestrial contact. We should have a public dialogue to discuss concerns and opportunities. It must start as an open forum and then world leaders need to take that input and develop a plan for moving forward. Such a worldwide discussion has never been undertaken in human society. It would have to be led by the media in each country and then progress to an international level. The discussion shouldn’t just involve politicians and civic leaders. One would hope that the media would undertake surveys to find out what the public is thinking in each nation. Perhaps those surveys could be combined to establish a snapshot of the international perspective. The leaders of powerful nations would not only need to listen to their own people, but ultimately concerns from other nations. Fringe groups would likely try to steer the debate in the direction of their choosing through radical, and perhaps violent, actions.

In the end, decisions on how to move forward would probably have to be carried out in the United Nations. Does that mean that the United Nations should control First Contact diplomacy? No. The United Nations General Assembly can be a process body to carry out the decisions of the nations. It is simply the only body set up to handle such international decision-making. UN involvement would likely be another flashpoint for some groups. It’s important to realize that the only way for an individual nation to be represented in First Contact decision-making is through a common body and the UN is the only common body on planet Earth that represents the great majority of nations. A nation, deciding that it didn’t want to participate, would be relinquishing power to other nations. That would be a big mistake.

Am I being too negative about these challenges in the wake of First Contact? I might have had a more reserved prediction for conflict a few years ago. Not now. Not after what has occurred in the United States and other nations in recent years. We are primed for a huge disaster if we don’t listen to each other and make sensible decisions in the wake of extraterrestrial First Contact. We didn’t do a very good job handling the international effort required to combat COVID-19. Let’s hope we learned a few lessons from the experience.

I explore these ideas in my recent book: The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves.” It’s available on Amazon worldwide.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Thresholds

Are humans ready for high information contact with an extraterrestrial civilization? The question can be asked and answered from one of two different perspectives- our perspective and their perspective. There is the question of whether we humans think we are ready for contact with intelligent aliens. Then there is the question of whether intelligent aliens think we are ready for such contact.

I have no evidence that aliens exist anywhere in the universe, let alone in a location near enough to Earth to allow for high information contact. The point of this exercise is to consider humanity from an alien perspective. Since we have no idea how such aliens might think, we have to consider humans- in particular the organization of human society and the state of our science and technology.

Let’s think like an alien researcher that has been examining our solar system and human society. We need to assume that they wish our civilization well. That means they don’t want to harm our human society or our planet. Hostile aliens are, of course, a very reasonable possibility. That scenario provides different questions to be asked, outside of my area of focus.

Let’s start with some basic ground rules to help define our discussion. We will assume that:

-A group of alien researchers has spent time studying humans.

-They understand that contact with humans could lead to problems for us.

-They have been waiting for certain criteria to be met.

-They won’t make contact until those criteria are met.

This isn’t an original idea on my part. Gene Roddenberry thought of it when he wrote the Star Trek series in the 1960s. The Prime Directive, also known as General Order 1, prevented Star Fleet personnel from interfering in the development of alien civilizations on their home planets. The purpose was to prevent disturbance to the alien culture.

So, what if Roddenberry was correct in his overall concept- just not in predicting that humans were the society being protected from outside influence? If there is a threshold of criteria to be met before contact occurs, what might that criteria be?

Human Criteria:

Most Likely to Have Been Met

Reach of instantaneous global communication networks

Public understanding of basic concepts of extraterrestrial intelligence

Governments accepting of possibility of ETI

Close to Meeting

Understanding critical concepts in advanced physics

Development of SETI research

Tools to find extraterrestrial life 

Tools to find extraterrestrial intelligence 

Space exploration

Ability to send spacecraft outside of the solar system

Ability of humans to track incoming spacecraft and surveil solar system

Mechanism for international cooperation between governments

Acceptance of ETI by largest institutional religious sects

Most Questionable in Meeting

Acceptance of ETI by groups with high level of cultural conflict

Acceptance of ETI by groups with high political conflict

Acceptance of ETI by fringe religious groups

Global cooperation between nations

Stable governments for those with nuclear weapons 

Intelligent extraterrestrials could also have criteria for themselves to meet:

Criteria for Aliens to Meet

Preparation of humanity for acceptance of ETI introduction

Need for intervention in human society

That final question is the big one: why would aliens feel the need to introduce themselves? Perhaps they think we are on the brink of discovering them through our scientific research? Or they could decide that we need help in sorting out our many challenges? Or perhaps they have completed their preparation for the introduction, by flying objects through Earth skies for many years?

I could go into many related discussions, such as the Zoo Hypothesis and Fermi Paradox. For more on those concepts, take a look at previous blog entries and check out my new book: “The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves.” It’s available on Amazon worldwide.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Special Promotion for Readers: A Free Amazon Kindle Edition of My New Book

Special promotion for readers of this blog: get a free Amazon Kindle edition of my new book from Monday, April 19, 2021-Thursday, April 23. If you like it, consider leaving a review and sharing it with your friends and colleagues. It’s available on Amazon worldwide.

 The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves 

If humans do make contact with intelligent extraterrestrials, what do we do next? We have no freaking idea. You have lived with the Hollywood fantasy for so long that you have probably never considered how extraterrestrial contact might really happen. I’m not saying it has occurred or even that it will occur. My point is that we humans have not spent much time considering the idea beyond the bright lights and enormous alien eyes. Ah, but you say- clearly the US government has a plan? Nope. But the United Nations, they have considered such things, right? Not really. And besides, considering how our human governments handled COVID-19, do you really want them deciding extraterrestrial diplomacy behind closed doors? I’m going to make a radical suggestion: all humans have a right to know about First Contact and hear from alien representatives. That’s right- an Extraterrestrial Big Hello for the entire planet. Amazon.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Upcoming US Government Report on UFOs

Many people are anxiously waiting for the latest US government report on UFO sightings. It's due in June, but lawmakers say there is a good possibility it will be delayed. I don't think anyone expects major revelations...beyond the fact that the US government has no idea what is causing interactions between pilots and unknown, perhaps autonomous, objects. And that is what UFO sightings are...interactions with humans on the simplest level. I don't know what it all means beyond that. But I do know that if aliens say hello, we humans are not ready for it. Perhaps it's time to consider such a scenario....and do it in a way that is thoughtful and grounded in reality? Critical thinking is going to be essential going forward.

I've tried to touch on some of these challenges in my new book. I don't expect to become a bestselling author. I'm fine with exploring these ideas with just a few of you. Anyway, it's available on Amazon, worldwide, if you would like to join me. It's called "The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: What to do if the Aliens Introduce Themselves."

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

New Book Out Now: The Extraterrestrial Big Hello

I've been writing this blog for 11 years now. I have taken some of the ideas formulated here and added to them for a new book on the subject of extraterrestrial First Contact. It's called "The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves." It's available on Amazon worldwide in Kindle and Paperback formats. It is entirely in English.

Here's the pitch:

You have lived with the Hollywood fantasy for so long that you have probably never considered how extraterrestrial contact might really happen. I’m not saying it has occurred or even that it will occur. My point is that we humans have not spent much time considering the idea beyond the bright lights and enormous alien eyes. Ah, but you say- clearly the US government has a plan? Nope. But the United Nations, they have considered such things, right? Not really. And besides, considering how our human governments handled COVID-19, do you really want them deciding extraterrestrial diplomacy behind closed doors? I’m going to make a radical suggestion: all humans have a right to know about First Contact and hear from alien representatives. That’s right- an Extraterrestrial Big Hello for the entire planet.

If you read it, consider providing a review on Amazon and recommending the book to your friends. It's self-published. I don't have much of a chance, competing with the big book companies. If you think this subject is important- help me get the word out. And thanks for reading the blog.

Here's the link to the book on Amazon USA. If you live in another country, simply put "The Extraterrestrial Big Hello" into the search bar for Amazon in your country.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Superintelligence

I’ve discussed the idea that any aliens we meet someday may be machine-based artificial intelligence (AI). Paul Davies was one of the first astrophysicists to suggest the concept, although science fiction has been mining the idea for many decades. The reasoning is simple: machine-based intelligence is a lot more durable than a biological being, and easier to repair and reproduce. Humans are currently moving towards machine assisted living. Heart pumps and cochlear implants are just two basic examples. Computer interfaces with the brain are being tested. Davies points out that the development of machine assisted human biology is likely to continue. Eventually, we will reach a point where the human body is more machine than biological.

Philosophy professor Susan Schneider takes that idea a step further. In a presentation to a NASA conference, she suggested that aliens would likely be a highly developed form of artificial intelligence: a superintelligence. This is how Nick Bostrom with the University of Oxford defines it: “By a "superintelligence" we mean an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills. This definition leaves open how the superintelligence is implemented: it could be a digital computer, an ensemble of networked computers, cultured cortical tissue or what have you. It also leaves open whether the superintelligence is conscious and has subjective experiences.”

It may sound like an esoteric point to discuss superintelligence when any alien artificial intelligence would likely be much more intelligent than humans, just by existing. However, Schneider examines the difference between human thought and the workings of a superintelligence to tackle some important issues in the consideration of extraterrestrial First Contact.

One primary point in her paper is the issue of consciousness. Could a superintelligence be conscious? Consider the ramifications- the further an alien intelligence is from our biological state, the wider the gulf between us in terms of understanding, if we meet someday. Consciousness defines the human experience in many respects. We are a product of our interaction with our reality, in both physical and mental dimensions. Superintelligence could be so different from human intelligence that finding common ground between the two would be difficult. Schneider brings up an interesting possibility, once again relying on Nick Bostrom for the foundational idea- what if artificial intelligence is engineered to be like the intelligence of the biological originator? Humans are doing this currently as we design our own artificial intelligence. Many researchers are using the human brain and human attributes as a model for AI. Thus, the finished product would operate in a manner consistent with human intelligence. If we’re doing it, it seems quite possible biological aliens would have followed the same process. Why? Dr. Schneider brings up the concept of self-preservation. Many humans are uncomfortable designing AI that would eventually replace us. By designing AI with human thought patterns, we would be preserving part of who we are, even if the biological parts are eventually left behind. If aliens did the same, we could eventually meet a biologically-inspired superintelligent alien (BISA). That sounds daunting, so we probably need to consider the commonalities we still may have. Schneider examines the Bostrom Instrumental Convergence Thesis: “Several instrumental values can be identified which are convergent in the sense that their attainment would increase the chances of the agent’s goal being realized for a wide range of final goals and a wide range of situations, implying that these instrumental values are likely to be pursued by a broad spectrum of situated intelligent agents.”

Bostrom identifies these areas of commonality: “Resource acquisition, technological perfection, cognitive enhancement, self-preservation and goal content integrity (i.e., that a superintelligent being’s future self will pursue and attain those same goals).”

This states that alien AI, whether it be entirely artificial or BSIA in nature, will have a set of behaviors that we could recognize. That could provide a basis for understanding.

You can see why I’ve included Nick Bostrom and his Future of Humanity Institute as one of the important experts to consult with in the wake of First Contact. He has been discussing such issues for more than 20 years. I will add Susan Schneider to that list.  Applying these superintelligence concepts directly to extraterrestrials could be an important facet of First Contact.

Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Monday, November 2, 2020

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Myopic Humans

Humanity needs a good set of prescription eyeglasses. Perhaps then we could see things that are far-off and outside of our norms. Climate change is a sad example. COVID-19, and pandemic planning in general, also qualify. Why is it that we have such a hard time seeing things that could happen in the future? Myopia is the medical condition of nearsightedness, or having trouble seeing things far away.

The other definition is used in regards to human perspective. Myopia means that we humans don’t do a very good job of looking into the future and preparing ourselves. Some of that is due to the nature of our society- there always seems to be some new fire to put out. When you are busy putting out current fires you are not thinking about future blazes. COVID-19 is a fascinating example. Institutions across the United States did pandemic planning exercises many years ago, in the wake of SARS and MERS epidemics. Clearly, though, it was not enough. Where did we go wrong? The Obama administration put together pandemic teams in the United States and even other nations. They were largely dismantled in a political shift. Even then, would we have been ready? People will be analyzing pandemic planning failures for many years to come.

Let’s apply myopia to the subject of this blog: extraterrestrial contact. The lack of planning by humans in this area is quite extraordinary. Don’t get me wrong- I don’t think that planning for an event that may never happen should be a top priority. But it should at least be in the top 100, if for no other reason than the massive impact such a discovery would have on our civilization. Instead, the subject produces nervous laughter and averted eyes. Some of that is thanks to Hollywood movies and popular fiction. Another element is that alien contact can be a symptom of mental illness. Now, before you jump on me, I want to say that I am not passing judgment on people who say they have been abducted by aliens. I have never explored such claims and don’t have any evidence one way or another. However, alien contact is quite often reported in patients with schizophrenia or other debilitating mental illness. It’s right up there with being Jesus or thinking that the President of the United States is out to get you, specifically.

My point is this: the apprehension to even discuss the topic is problematic, especially when it concerns the scientific community. I agree that jumping to the conclusion that every odd signal from outer space comes from aliens would be ridiculous. Scientific studies of such events have thus far always found natural phenomena and really cool natural phenomena, at that. I don’t suggest that scientists look for alien contact in every strange occurrence in space. But I do suggest that the apprehension in even considering the possibility may cause us to miss things. We need objective study of strange phenomena that does not automatically rule out alien activity. Even more so, we need study that does not force scientists to put on blinders and ignore such possibilities, just because considering such things would damage their reputation and, God forbid, jeopardize research funding. A few brave scientists have put on the eyeglasses needed to see what could happen in the future. This post is a thank-you to those who do so in the fields of astrophysics and astronomy. I can imagine it is not easy to risk your career to consider the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. In the meantime, perhaps it is time for us laypeople to also start wearing eyeglasses and asking more questions. Our governments are not serving us in climate change response and mitigation. They are not serving us in pandemic response. They are not serving us in the mitigation of nuclear proliferation. And until the great majority of people demand action from our politicians, it is likely that governments won’t respond anytime soon to these important matters, let alone engage in alien First Contact planning. That, my friends, is on us laypeople.

The journal Foreign Affairs has a terrific article by Princeton University professor Elke Weber in the current issue that addresses human myopia and provides some possible ways to counteract the problem, for both citizens and public leaders. “Heads in the Sand: Why We Fail to Foresee and Contain Catastrophe” is a good read and if alien First Contact does occur some day, I would suggest the article as first response study for those involved in human leadership.

Photo by K8 on Unsplash

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Extraterrestrial First Contact: What World Leaders Should Consider

A Direct First Contact event would be one of the most significant historical markers in human history. The world leaders involved in that event would most likely be remembered for how they acted and how they led in the wake of Direct First Contact. It would be a high-stakes moment. Let’s consider some of their challenges.


A Direct First Contact event assumes that aliens have arrived in our solar system to make contact with humans. That relatively close proximity, whether it be from millions of miles away in the asteroid belt or in Earth orbit, would be a security issue for humans. The leaders of nations are charged with keeping their population safe and secure. For this reason, safety is likely to be a top priority for world leaders in the first days of a Direct First Contact event. An important point to recognize is the danger of over-reaction. A military alert would have to be handled quite carefully. Sudden actions or mistakes on the part of responding forces could be disastrous. World leaders would need to navigate such challenges very carefully. This is especially true of the world powers with the largest militaries and a presence in space. For this reason it may be best to have the UN Security Council take the lead on safety response, as the nations with the largest space programs are represented. A coordinated effort would also make the most sense for combining military and space-based resources.


There will be a natural instinct on the part of world leaders to seek advantage for their nation in the wake of Direct First Contact. It’s understandable, as leaders are charged with promoting the best interests of their nation. However, in this case such an approach could prove problematic. Every nation will want to be a beneficiary of the positive aspects of First Contact. A nation that tries to circumvent international relations, and seek their own direct relationship with extraterrestrials, would risk retribution by other nations. If many of the world powers acted in such a way, and at the same time, there could be chaos. World leaders will have to understand that if the aliens want to treat all nations equally, trying to change that would be a mistake. A level playing field would benefit all humans and all nations in the long run.

Keeping People Calm

As I have mentioned before in this blog, surveys show that most humans would be fine with a First Contact event. A Direct First Contact event would be more stressful, as safety would be an issue. However, it seems likely that the larger human population will watch what happens and reserve judgment. There will be fringe groups that will react immediately and some of those actions could be dramatic. There could be legitimate concern involved in those reactions, but it could also be a case of fringe group leaders firing up their base to gain power. World leaders will need to manage such activity in their country and yet still maintain an environment where people are able to voice their concerns. That, of course, assumes that the nation allows open discussion. Some countries are quite restrictive about the public discussion of sensitive topics. Due to the enormity of a Direct First Contact event, trying to keep discussion suppressed could be a huge mistake, leading to even more unrest. It would be too huge a moment for people not to discuss it openly. Humans will need to talk through the issues that would come with Direct First Contact. Fringe groups will need to raise their concerns. And yet everyone will need to be respectful of each other and keep calm. I still believe that if aliens with good intentions approach humans to say hello, the biggest threat to humans would be the human reaction. It would be up to world leaders to maintain calm.


Historians often speak of legacy when it comes to world leaders. It is commonly considered the actions and accomplishments of a leader that will be remembered by future generations and how those actions and accomplishments will be remembered. Legacy can be positive or negative, depending on the historian. Leaders may consider their legacy in decision-making. So, what of legacy and First Contact? World leaders will need to recognize that they are making decisions that will impact humanity for generations to come. Knee-jerk reactions could hurt humanity; in the process, making that leader’s legacy quite negative.

Leaders need to make immediate decisions and that means keeping their heads in the here and now. However, they would need to step back at some point and look at the bigger picture. They would be leading humans at one of the most important junctures in human history. It will not be just another day at the office.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Most Humans will not be the Problem

Studies show that individual humans feel quite ready for Alien First Contact. So, why do I talk about social unrest in the wake of a high-information, Direct First Contact event? I am not worried about most humans. I am concerned about the actions of politicians, institutional leaders, and business executives across the globe. The issue is power. Many would perceive First Contact as an opportunity to gather advantage and power, whether it be for themselves, their government, their institution or their corporation. That power grab could take the form of people trying to secure a special relationship with extraterrestrials. It could also be religious leaders and politicians using fear to motivate the public. It could be a corporation hoping for an advance look at alien technology. It may be a world leader hoping to secure advantage for their nation. In short- it won’t be the average folks who we need to worry about creating problems in the wake of First Contact. It will be the movers and shakers of the world.

Just take a look at current world dynamics. A recent report by the Munich Security Conference had this to say:

“The global security situation is more dangerous today than at any time since the collapse of the Soviet Union. We are experiencing an epochal shift; an era is ending, and the rough outlines of a new political age are only beginning to emerge. No matter where you look, there are countless conflicts and crises.”

Politicians, bureaucrats, and business leaders have been doing this for millennia. The pursuit of power and advantage is an imbedded part of the human civilization. While most of us participate in mundane ways, trying to get a promotion at work or cutting someone off on the car trip home, there are those for whom the pursuit of power is their primary motivation.

How those power dynamics would play out here on Earth would largely depend on the actions of the visiting extraterrestrials. If aliens chose to use those dynamics to their advantage they could easily manipulate us by playing one nation against another. More so, if their aim was to throw us into chaos, without ever firing a shot, playing nations against one another could be the best way to accomplish that goal. And the flipside is true: if aliens wanted humans to remain calm the aliens would need to carefully consider how to mitigate power grabs here on Earth.

How could extraterrestrials prevent damage to the human civilization due to power struggles between institutions and nations? They would need to communicate clearly to the entire planet and not play favorites. Only carefully cultivated objectivity and transparency could obviate the usual human machinations. And even then it would be tough.

Objectivity and transparency on the part of aliens would actually be in the best interest of nations and institutions. While you may not gain advantage in such a situation - you would not lose advantage. Having all nations and institutions on an even playing field would be important. The movers and shakers will still be able to play their games- but in the ways we are used to and that we can handle.

Photo by Donny Jiang on Unsplash

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Social Science Expertise versus the Physical Sciences

Scientists from the physical sciences: astronomy, astrophysics, and astrobiology, are on the front lines of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The reason is simple- scientific methods of observation and analysis are the primary way we can discover the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, if such a civilization exists at all. Physical science experts are the best prepared for the hard work that would be required in a First Contact situation if the aliens we discover are at a great distance. Physicists have the tools and skills to examine signals in the electromagnetic spectrum. There are certainly social science crossovers that may be needed in such a situation: linguists to study signals for possible language and anthropologists to try and understand the practices of another civilization. However, in most of the scenarios scientists are currently considering, physical science experts lead the way.

This blog is concerned with a very different situation. I have a singular purpose- to reflect on the needs of humanity if we are faced with high information Direct First Contact, where the aliens are visiting our solar system and have done their homework. My premise is that they understand our civilization and have learned how to best communicate with us.

If the aliens did fit that criteria, it would be a very different group of humans at the front lines of a First Contact event. The leaders of governments and institutions would be the first responders and they would need support from social science experts in fields such as international relations, psychology, religion, and sociology. The primary issues involved in such a scenario would be human communication, consensus-building, and decision-making. Humans would need to organize themselves to respond to the alien overture. Such an event would likely create incredible challenges for our human society. Social scientists could provide the expertise, and do the research necessary, to support those governmental and institutional leaders in that time of immense change. The biggest threat in such a situation could be to the social fabric of humanity. In addition to the immediate concerns of the safety and welfare of humans, there would also be the long-term considerations of the scientific, economic, and social impact to the human race. In our fictional explorations of such themes, we humans tend to oversimplify these considerations. In reality, First Contact response would likely be a massive effort with many thousands of details to work out.

Very few humans are thinking about this type of Direct First Contact. I understand why- it is unlikely to happen. This blog, then, is simply a deep dive into a tiny sliver of possibility. It is my attempt at preparation, just in case. My expertise is in communication, a social science. While I am not a scientist, I have spent my career examining communication from a number of different perspectives, including as a journalist, public relations professional, and college instructor.

If Direct First Contact does occur someday, and the aliens want to have some sort of a relationship with humans, I hope that these writings will bring potential social challenges to light and provide an initial road map for human response.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Listening to Each Other

There would be plenty of ideas and opinions if an alien First Contact event does occur someday. Humans would argue about how we should respond and how we should move forward. Debate can be a good thing if it brings important issues to the forefront of discussion, but would we actually listen to each other? I’ve discussed polarization previously in this blog. In this context, it’s the movement of political opinion groups to opposite sides of a spectrum, setting up vehement disagreements and conflict. One could argue that First Contact would not be a political event, but rather a scientific development. It may start that way, but if there is high information communication occurring, or likely to occur, between humans and extraterrestrials, politics would quickly come into play. There would be much at stake. Governments, institutions and corporations would all be interested in a piece of the alien information pie. Issues of international relations, human leadership, and human response would put governments, and the United Nations, on the front lines of First Contact debate. It would be a political problem because governments are fueled by politics, especially in democracies.  And political polarization quickly leads to social polarization, a much more entrenched problem, as it can divide people at even the most personal level. The polarization of American politics is an oft-discussed topic, however, it does seem to be a global phenomenon. There are current examples of political polarization in Britain, France and Turkey, to name just a few. The United Nations issued a report last year citing some of the reasons for polarization as including income inequality, economic problems, the competition for resources, and environmental challenges.

Polarization is harmful when it creates gridlock and inaction. The big question in the wake of First Contact would be how to avoid polarization in order to build consensus and get things done. I think that active listening and well-considered messaging will be important. Listening sounds like an obvious solution to polarization. If we listen to other viewpoints, and consider those ideas, we are more likely to broaden our perspective. However, if all of the messaging is inflamed and politically charged, listening will be difficult.

Active listening and well-considered messaging are not new ideas. They are common interpersonal communication techniques. Here is what the US State Department suggests for active listening:

1. Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.

2. Be non-judgmental

3. Give your undivided attention to the speaker

4. Use silence effectively

Well-considered messaging is achieved when the sender takes into account the audience, employs empathy to understand that audience, and crafts the message using words and phrases that engage the audience. Simply put: avoid the rhetoric and get to the heart of what people care about.

We would hope that our leaders would employ active listening and well-considered messaging on a regular basis. However, we know that is not the case. Leaders sometimes make a conscious effort to avoid active listening and well-considered messaging. The reason: they seek to control people by creating wedges between groups. Nasty rhetoric is a way to fire-up your base and create a delineation with your opponents. There will be plenty of people using inflamed rhetoric in the wake of First Contact. They will be seeking power and advantage by dividing the public along lines that favor their interests. The media and the public will need to be on the watch for such behavior and call it out when it happens.

The political and social climate in many nations is currently quite negative. Such thinking could easily turn the debate over First Contact response into a vociferous free for all. If First Contact does occur someday, we will all need to work hard to keep the discourse positive and actions productive.

Photo by Benny Jackson on Unsplash