Monday, April 19, 2021

Special Promotion for Readers: A Free Amazon Kindle Edition of My New Book

Special promotion for readers of this blog: get a free Amazon Kindle edition of my new book from Monday, April 19, 2021-Thursday, April 23. If you like it, consider leaving a review and sharing it with your friends and colleagues. It’s available on Amazon worldwide.

 The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves 

If humans do make contact with intelligent extraterrestrials, what do we do next? We have no freaking idea. You have lived with the Hollywood fantasy for so long that you have probably never considered how extraterrestrial contact might really happen. I’m not saying it has occurred or even that it will occur. My point is that we humans have not spent much time considering the idea beyond the bright lights and enormous alien eyes. Ah, but you say- clearly the US government has a plan? Nope. But the United Nations, they have considered such things, right? Not really. And besides, considering how our human governments handled COVID-19, do you really want them deciding extraterrestrial diplomacy behind closed doors? I’m going to make a radical suggestion: all humans have a right to know about First Contact and hear from alien representatives. That’s right- an Extraterrestrial Big Hello for the entire planet. Amazon.

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