Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Social Science Expertise versus the Physical Sciences

Scientists from the physical sciences: astronomy, astrophysics, and astrobiology, are on the front lines of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The reason is simple- scientific methods of observation and analysis are the primary way we can discover the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, if such a civilization exists at all. Physical science experts are the best prepared for the hard work that would be required in a First Contact situation if the aliens we discover are at a great distance. Physicists have the tools and skills to examine signals in the electromagnetic spectrum. There are certainly social science crossovers that may be needed in such a situation: linguists to study signals for possible language and anthropologists to try and understand the practices of another civilization. However, in most of the scenarios scientists are currently considering, physical science experts lead the way.

This blog is concerned with a very different situation. I have a singular purpose- to reflect on the needs of humanity if we are faced with high information Direct First Contact, where the aliens are visiting our solar system and have done their homework. My premise is that they understand our civilization and have learned how to best communicate with us.

If the aliens did fit that criteria, it would be a very different group of humans at the front lines of a First Contact event. The leaders of governments and institutions would be the first responders and they would need support from social science experts in fields such as international relations, psychology, religion, and sociology. The primary issues involved in such a scenario would be human communication, consensus-building, and decision-making. Humans would need to organize themselves to respond to the alien overture. Such an event would likely create incredible challenges for our human society. Social scientists could provide the expertise, and do the research necessary, to support those governmental and institutional leaders in that time of immense change. The biggest threat in such a situation could be to the social fabric of humanity. In addition to the immediate concerns of the safety and welfare of humans, there would also be the long-term considerations of the scientific, economic, and social impact to the human race. In our fictional explorations of such themes, we humans tend to oversimplify these considerations. In reality, First Contact response would likely be a massive effort with many thousands of details to work out.

Very few humans are thinking about this type of Direct First Contact. I understand why- it is unlikely to happen. This blog, then, is simply a deep dive into a tiny sliver of possibility. It is my attempt at preparation, just in case. My expertise is in communication, a social science. While I am not a scientist, I have spent my career examining communication from a number of different perspectives, including as a journalist, public relations professional, and college instructor.

If Direct First Contact does occur someday, and the aliens want to have some sort of a relationship with humans, I hope that these writings will bring potential social challenges to light and provide an initial road map for human response.

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