It may seem too soon to dissect the COVID-19 pandemic. It has caused so much illness, grief and disruption. However, it is an international crisis with a scope that has not been seen in many decades. As such, it can be a road map showing possible human dynamics in a Direct First Contact event. Let me be clear about what I am saying. COVID-19 is a major health disaster for humans. Direct First Contact, where aliens come to our solar system to say hello, does not necessarily have to be a threat, and certainly not a disaster. That’s not what I am suggesting. I do believe that the massive international crisis caused by COVID-19 is a rare event in modern human history, and as such, it can provide unique insight into human social dynamics during a global emergency, and thus it is a window to view the challenges of a Direct First Contact event. So, if the aliens come in peace and with apparently good intentions, how would such an event be similar to the COVID-19 pandemic? If aliens arrive in the solar system there will be an element of threat inherent in human reaction, no matter what extraterrestrials express as their intentions. How aliens conduct that contact could also ramp up the threat perception, even if that was not their intention to do such. But the primary similarities are the existential discomfort both situations bring about and the world-wide nature of the two events.
Here are the other major similarities that I see:
Poles of Reaction
The pandemic initially produced two extreme poles of response. On one side some people were immediately panicked by the virus spread. An example of their reaction is out of control grocery store hoarding. On the other side were people who refused to take any action because they believed the threat was overblown by the media. To a certain extent, those two polar reactions can still be seen today. In Direct First Contact, the poles of extreme reaction could be those who welcome aliens without question and humans who want authorities to refuse all contact with extraterrestrials. Just as with COVID-19, the extremists would be more vocal than the moderate middle and more exciting for media coverage. And it seems that in both cases the moderate middle may be the best response. Take reasonable precautions. Don’t underestimate the threat. The media will have to be careful in a First Contact situation. They will need to take steps to put human reaction in the proper context, and help calm people, rather than inflame the situation. In my opinion, it took some media outlets too long to understand their important role in COVID-19.
As I have stated earlier on this blog, there is plenty of misinformation about COVID-19. We have all heard rumors that have turned out to be untrue. We may have also heard rumors that turned out to be correct. In a crisis situation there needs to be a well-organized communication system. Rumors and misinformation need to be addressed and dispelled, if those rumors rise to the level of common knowledge. This means having people responsible for tracking Internet and social media sites for trends and then providing responses as needed. Information is coming from so many sources with COVID-19 and it is clearly problematic. When the public gets conflicting information from sources of authority, it causes them to distrust all authority. That can be dangerous. An alien Direct First Contact event would be easier to control in terms of information, because it should be quite centralized. We would hope that there would not be multiple extraterrestrial landing craft on Earth, if that is how it happens. If extraterrestrials reach out to one authority source, and keep all communication through that source, it will be easier to provide clear information and correct misinformation. But those in charge will need to be proactive and immediate in response. It will take a massive, coordinated effort on the part of world leaders and even more so, cooperation between governments and government entities at every level.
The Dangers of a Slow Response
The slow response to the COVID-19 crisis in China, the United States, and Italy has been a costly mistake, both in terms of human life and welfare. Alien First Contact is certainly not like a health crisis in that it would have to be contained, if the aliens come in peace. However, it would be a crisis of public perception with perhaps a much greater risk in the long-term. Authorities will need to respond in a calm and deliberate manner and they will need to do so with transparency. There is an inherent danger in cover-ups and in these days of social media and video proliferation, hiding things is tough. Just ask the Chinese government. Video of what was going on in the early days of COVID-19 made it out to the whole world, despite attempts to stem the flow of information. You can no longer hide major events from the world public. However, China is apparently still trying to keep the full extent of the crisis hidden. Such actions can only undermine authority in the long run. The United States government has shown perhaps the biggest failure. Leaders had weeks to prepare for the virus and yet very little was done. First Contact would require an immediate coordinated response.
Political Polarization
COVID-19 has become a political battle in many nations and especially in the United States, where it falls during a presidential election year. The danger with political polarization is that politicians use the event to further their political interests, not worrying about what is best for the public. I think all Americans have been cringing when politicians in both major parties use the health crisis to further an agenda or protect their power. Self-interest is dangerous in this COVID-19 outbreak and it would also be dangerous in a Direct First Contact event. Everyone will need to call out political opportunism when they see it, and focus on facts.
Media Hype
There is a fair amount of media hype with COVID-19. And that isn’t a political statement. Media operations are doing what they usually do- seizing on the sexiest soundbite and catch phrase to get people to watch their channel or visit their website. Unfortunately, COVID-19 coverage calls for more sober judgment and Direct First Contact would as well. The media has begun to act more responsibly, but it has been slow coming.
International Challenges
COVID-19 has created major challenges for international relations. National interest is a priority for national leaders, which is quite understandable. Thus far, nations seem to be working through it without major conflict, but one could see a path where that changes. There are already people using COVID-19 to argue against globalization, and to attack other nations.
The same would be true of Direct First Contact. National leaders would need to carefully weigh national interest versus international interest. In the case of Direct First Contact it should be much easier. If aliens reach out to the international community as whole- the national interest of each country would be to align with the international interest. There would be nothing to be gained by going rogue in a Direct First Contact event. And worse, there could be plenty to be lost if the other nations chose to ostracize the rogue nation.
Listen to the Scientists
We have a complex society with many professional specialties. It is important to seek out opinions from specialists in any crisis situation. And leaders need to listen to those specialists. Politicians ignoring warnings from experts in this COVID-19 pandemic has costs lives and could continue to do so. In First Contact, the most important specialists would depend on the nature of that contact. If it is a signal from a far-off star system the astrophysicists, mathematicians, and linguists could be on the front line. In a Direct First Contact event, sociologists and experts in international relations could provide the most valuable insight. It would be important to consult the people who have been studying the possibility of First Contact as first responders. Then other academic areas will need to turn their expertise to the issue of First Contact. Eventually, new fields of study would develop, and that would require interdisciplinary study, which is not something our system of science does well.
Listen to Each Other
Perhaps the biggest take-away from COVID-19 is the human reaction. As ordinary humans struggle to adapt to the crisis, we see new patterns of reaction and thought. People in China, Italy, and the United States feel similar fears. They react to home quarantine in similar ways. We see people singing on balconies in Milan and then do the same a few weeks later in suburban American neighborhoods. We listen and learn from each other. In sharing our fears and our adaptations will become stronger. Direct First Contact would be such an event- a rare moment when all of humanity shares something together. We have learned with COVID-19 that such sharing provides great emotional strength.
I have had many blog posts recently using COVID-19 as a comparison to Direct First Contact. I do understand that COVID-19 is an international health disaster and that Direct First Contact may never occur. I don’t mean to diminish the extraordinary impact of this pandemic. However, it is a remarkable crisis event that is testing our modern systems of communication and governance in a way that nothing else has. In that way it can provide some insight into challenges we may face if Direct First Contact does occur someday. Let’s get through this pandemic with our human dignity and our civilization intact.