Showing posts with label Response. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Response. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

Extraterrestrial Contact: The Great Debate

Humans tend to have a monolithic and yet shallow view of First Contact.  This is especially true of Direct First Contact, a scenario in which aliens make contact in close proximity to Earth, or on Earth, thus enabling humans and extraterrestrials to have an actual conversation and begin a relationship. Such an event would be extraordinary and most of us agree that it would have a profound impact on the human civilization. But after the awe and wonder we will have to move forward. So, I ask- what happens next?

The optimists would say we would go skipping down the path to a grand new future. The cynics say we would be destroyed, either by aliens with evil intentions, or by ourselves, as our society in thrown into chaos. As with all extremes, both of those poles seem rather unlikely. What does seem likely is the messy middle- a little of this and a little of that, much that we never expected, and plenty of serious challenges. Those challenges are likely to be based on the great debate. The topic for discussion: What do we, as a human society, do next? Do we open relations with extraterrestrials or keep them at a distance? How much access do we give them in communication? Do we control who they communicate with? Who does all of this deciding, anyway? Does the United Nations take the lead? Do scientists lead the effort? How much is this situation about diplomacy and how much is it about science? What do we ask the extraterrestrials to tell us about themselves? Do we want scientific information? Do we want information about their technology? Who decides what we want to know about? Do they even care what we want? How do we deal with that?

I could go on for a good bit. You get the picture. There would be a million questions and many of them quite pressing in a Direct First Contact situation. Decisions would have to be made. In the end, one hopes anyway, those decisions probably wouldn’t be made by a small group of people. If news of Direct First Contact does indeed reach the entire human population, humans from all corners of the globe will rightfully demand some sort of input into what decisions are made. We would most likely rely on our national governments to relay those concerns and expect governmental leaders to act on our behalf. Those concerns may be wide ranging and divergent. People in one nation, and from a certain culture, could feel very differently about First Contact from people in another nation, and from a different culture. We may have 20 different opinions about any one particular question. And most likely nations and cultures would be divided in opinion within themselves.  

If national governments are the only representation for the people of planet Earth, there would need to be a forum for governments to debate the options and decide a path forward. The most logical forum would be the United Nations, as it is made up of most nations on Earth. Other International groups are less representative or designed for specific tasks- such as the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund. Scientific groups, such as the International Astronomical Union, while representing scientists worldwide, do not have experience in diplomacy or wide-ranging international policy. They would be hugely helpful for input and expertise, but no scientific body is designed to debate policy and make governmental decisions. That only leaves one real choice.

There is a regular debate in the United Nations on many different issues. The framework and infrastructure for debating issues of extraterrestrial contact are in place and ready to go, even if that particular subject has never been seriously considered. Sure, there would be plenty of additional work to set up additional committees and sub-committees, but even some of these already exist. One would imagine that the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space might be a good place to start (even if they have failed to plan for this eventuality).

The discussion needs to involve all nations and come from many different perspectives.  It should not be controlled or dominated by powerful governments or institutions. There is no doubt that nations such as the United States, Russia and China will have a huge role in the post-First Contact decision making. However, they would need to respect other nations, listen to the diversity of opinions, and then allow the General Assembly to make decisions.

It will be hard, because there will be a lot of different voices. The fringes would need to be heard, despite how unsettling their points of view may be to the majority.  Diversity would be critically important and we would actually have to listen to each other. We might even change our opinions as a result and come up with new ideas. This would be the fruit of the process. In this particular debate there would be no precedent to examine. Perhaps some finer points could be gleaned from examining our past, but for the most part we will need to look towards the future with imagination and using critical thinking. We will be making decisions that could affect many generations to come.

There will be a big internal struggle. Post First Contact decision making cannot be controlled by politicians, corporations and those seeking to keep power or acquire new power. If that sounds like a tall-order, it would be. After all, who appoints representatives to the United Nations?  Governments.  And that, of course, means politicians and bureaucrats. Politicians and bureaucrats are heavily influenced by corporations and lobbyists- it’s how most governmental systems work. It will be impossible to stop all influence, and of course, corporations and interest groups deserve to be heard as well.

If it all sounds like a nightmare, it certainly could be. Post First Contact decision making will need to be led by tough and rational facilitators who have a greater calling: the betterment of humanity. Once again, I point to the formation of the United Nations. This is their charge. This is why the body exists. Would First Contact challenge an already at times beleaguered and often maligned organization? Most likely. This would be the time for the United Nations to step up and make a difference. If the body has been searching for a purpose, as critics have implied, contact with extraterrestrials would appear to be a pretty good reason for existing. Will the United Nations need to change, become more responsive and better administered? Of course. But all of that would have to start somewhere.

Time for you to chime in with your criticism of the UN. Join the conversation on the Alien First Contact Facebook page.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Extraterrestrial Contact: A Helpful Media or Not?

Most humans are now connected as part of a global communications web that extends to every nation and nearly every point on Earth. Whatever the channel, those communication lines are often organized by media companies. These days it’s important to broaden our perspective of what defines media. Clearly we are well beyond the days of broadcast and newspaper domination. Internet communications, in a multitude of forms, continues to grow. Websites, blogs, podcasts, TV stations, radio, newspapers, and magazines – these entities act as agenda setters. They seek to define the world from a certain perspective. Individual Facebook pages and Twitter feeds are also used by agenda setters.

So, what impact would the media have in an extraterrestrial Direct First Contact situation? Here I define Direct First Contact as an alien civilization coming to our solar system to say hello.  Would the media be helpful or would they cause problems? The scenario would probably determine the answers to those questions. And since any First Contact scenario is pure speculation, trying to define exact reactions is probably a waste of time. However, we know enough about how our media responds to the current world environment to make some generalizations.

There are several ways that the media could be very helpful in a Direct First Contact event. The web of video and information sharing is so robust these days that an event in a reasonably large city, almost anywhere in the world, can be seen live anywhere else in a matter of minutes.  This makes the human media networks a great way to reach all of humanity at once. Media sharing, especially through live television feeds, are quick, adaptable and redundant. The adaptable part comes in the diversity of sources. A protest in Egypt could come from a traditional network TV camera. It could also be streamed live with a $25 web cam. The media outlets have become much more adaptable in using alternative video sources. This also helps with redundancy. If one media outlet is not doing its job, someone else will likely pick up the slack. If none of the traditional media outlets meet the demands of news viewers, individual people will provide video and reporting. That was shown in many of the Arab spring protests when the traditional media had a tough time gathering video. Making a Direct First Contact event a live television event connects the world to First Contact and takes away the veil of secrecy.

The media could be helpful in explaining First Contact. They would be the first source of information about the visiting extraterrestrials for the majority of humans. They would also report on how human government and institutions respond to First Contact. The media would be essential in educating the public. Such education would be important to minimize fears. There is a flipside- the media could also prepare humans, if they should be fearful. If the world media outlets are doing their job they should be critical of how governments and institutions are responding. The media can provide feedback from the public about how average humans feel about First Contact. Media outlets can conduct surveys to help quantify human reactions.

However, as we all know, human media outlets have their weaknesses. Competition, a driving force behind the success of a free media, can also make a mess. If media outlets act in a rash manner they could take rumors seriously. There is one thing that I can guarantee in any First Contact scenario- there will be plenty of rumors and bad information going around. It may take a few days or weeks to manifest, but incorrect information would undoubtedly bubble beneath the surface of the public conversation. In an environment where everyone is keyed up and nervous, such bad information could be quite destructive.

If media outlets promote incorrect information and get facts wrong they could do more damage than good. Most humans will get their information about First Contact from the media. In a sense, the media will help to determine long-term human reaction. If we live in a fearful, rumor-filled world we will not make good decisions. The resulting actions could hurt the human civilization for generations to come. The initial decisions in any First Contact situation would be critical.

So, how do we keep the media on the good side of communication practices? When it comes to the free media, that responsibility will be largely up to them. The professionals running news organizations and internet sites will need to understand that the importance of their jobs has just grown immensely. They will need to step up to the challenge. It can be done. The American TV networks did an amazing job of handling the 9-11 terrorist strike. I was a first hand witness to the crazy rumors that pop up when people are scared and agitated. The media managed to step up to the plate. They dispelled rumors. They focused on facts.

There are ways that the people controlling First Contact can help. Governments and institutions should make all information available as soon as possible. Secrets will only create bigger problems. Transparency would be critical. The best approach would be to put all the available information out there immediately. If it’s too complicated for one news conference, put it up in its entirety on the web. Have live streaming of all meetings on First Contact issues. Open up the entire process to the public. Don’t rely on the media to explain things- provide trusted experts who can put such issues in perspective.

Information in a Direct First Contact scenario would likely be incredibly complicated and perhaps beyond our initial understanding. Aliens with the technological ability to visit our solar system would probably have a system of science far advanced of ours. If they were willing to share such information we would probably need many years of education to even begin to understand. That doesn’t mean the process needs to be kept behind closed doors. Putting the information out there could help the process- by allowing many different thinkers, from many different perspectives, to consider the ideas.

First Contact could help the human civilization and it could hurt humans and that’s just assuming that the aliens themselves are neutral. We are quite often our own worst enemy. The media will have a huge role to play in First Contact. Here’s hoping that they will be up to the task.

Monday, April 22, 2013

How different countries might respond to Extraterrestrial First Contact

No matter how interconnected we might feel these days on planet Earth, the human civilization is still dominated by the interaction of independent nations. Groups like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund and G-20 may bring us to the table for certain issues. However, decision making for the majority of human endeavors is still done at the national level. This presents some serious challenges for extraterrestrial First Contact.

The primary question is how governments would react. I put the emphasis on governments to make a clear distinction with how people might react. All governments have an agenda. That agenda certainly includes the needs of the people being governed, but the agenda has a practical side as well- the desire for governmental leaders to stay in power.

The chief concerns in a First Contact event would be amplified versions of current concerns: security, economic growth, competition for resources and internal stability. The nature of First Contact certainly would determine which of those concerns rises to the top of the conversation. In a mysterious First Contact event, security would be more important. In a relatively safe, high-information sharing First Contact event, the prime concern could become a quest for information that can lead to technology development.

Underlying all concerns is the characteristics of the nation itself- the type of government, challenges facing the nation, the nature of its people and relationships with other nations.

Here’s a look at how some governments might react to a non-threatening direct First Contact event:


I put the Chinese first for a reason: I believe they are a critical wildcard in the reaction to extraterrestrial contact. I think the response of the United States and the European Union may be fairly predictable, depending, of course, on the circumstances of First Contact. The Chinese, though, are at a critical stage in their history. The authoritarian government is increasingly embracing capitalism, while seeking to maintain control of how that capitalism manifests. This experiment has remarkable issues.  Corruption is a problem at all levels of government. The Chinese middle class has invested heavily in real estate and now the country faces a real estate bubble beyond anything we have seen in the west. Entire cities have been built through speculation and yet those cities have virtually no residents. This, and other factors, including manufacturing changes, has put China in a challenging situation economically. The government is actively pursuing new technology as a means of securing economic opportunities. This could become the driving factor in the Chinese reaction to First Contact, if it is a high-information sharing First Contact.

The Chinese also face major challenges in human information control. The government blocks many internet sources from reaching the Chinese people. This effort to control information could become a big issue in a First Contact event. The quest for information will be enormous. If the government attempts to censor world media reports of First Contact the Chinese public could react harshly. This could continue for some time. Why would the government attempt to do such? Unless the information threatens the government somehow, it would seem unnecessary. Still, Chinese leaders will need to take a leap of faith to allow the Chinese people to take full part in the discovery, wherever it leads. The Chinese people seem rather open to First Contact and in one survey less rigid in their reaction to such an event.

I believe that the Chinese government is likely to embrace First Contact. The biggest problem may be making sure they feel fully included in the world decision making in regards to First Contact response. As a member of the United Nations Security Council they could be among the first to consider the implications of First Contact. The Chinese have an active space program and their scientific community has considered First Contact issues. To what degree Chinese scientists have pondered First Contact is hard to say, given the veil of secrecy over matters of space exploration and science. In a strange interview, a Russian cosmonaut suggested that the Chinese have a protocol for handling First Contact. 


Russian scientists have been considering First Contact issues for many years. While some of this has been, how shall we say, a bit “out there,” consideration of the issue make the Russians important players in any First Contact scenario.  Russian wackiness concerning this issue was not helped by the joking of former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who remarked to the media that he has a secret file of aliens living among humans. Most of the UFO conspiracy folks leave off his punch line: that it could all be seen in the movie “Men in Black”.

Deadpan humor aside, the Russians have a long tradition of extraterrestrial considerations. In 1961 astronomer Nikolai Kardashev proposed a scale by which civilizations could be measured by the amount of energy it can produce and utilize. Russian scientists are valued members of the world astronomical associations.

The government is certainly a wild card of sorts. Russia, much like China, seems to be at a cross-road between relative freedom and tight government control. The Russians too have embraced capitalism and will likely be quite interested in how they can benefit from First Contact. And this is a major issue for all countries. Once the initial shock of First Contact wears off, people will begin to consider the possibilities for what a relationship with extraterrestrials could mean for human development and commerce. I’m not saying that we’ll be trading with extraterrestrials, but rather that any information exchange could open up new opportunities for commerce through technology development.

The Russians currently have the most developed space program in the world and that may put them ahead of even the United States in some aspects of First Contact response.


The Indians also have an active space program and a scientific community that has considered First Contact. Moreover, the public, perhaps prompted by a rather imaginative media, already seems to believe First Contact has occurred. A Reuters poll showed that 40 percent of Indians and Chinese surveyed already think that aliens are walking the Earth.

So, perhaps First Contact wouldn’t be a big shock. The country does have a well-developed system of high education. A robust academic community would be extremely important to a nation in the wake of First Contact. The academic community will need to build bridges between what humans know now and new information coming from extraterrestrials. How well a nation interprets and understands extraterrestrial information may well decide how it develops in the future.

As with the other countries, India is doing everything it can to have a seat at the international table. They will be an important group to include in First Contact discussions.

European Union

It seems that all we hear these days about the European Union are reports of financial woes. Those woes would be a consideration in the wake of First Contact. The fragile European economy could have serious issues if world markets undergo wild fluctuations after First Contact. While every nation would be impacted by such swings, the Europeans have several nations on the brink of financial collapse. The turmoil has put the Union in jeopardy of disintegrating.

On a more positive note, European Union nations have vibrant and active scientific communities in many fields. The level of expertise would be a valuable resource in the wake of First Contact. The British Royal Society is one of the few world scientific organizations to seriously consider First Contact. France is home to the International Astronomical Union, one of the most visible proponents of First Contact discussion.

Brazil has had an on-again, off-again space program, and many think that with new-found wealth the country may step up efforts. The country represents a new wave of emerging world powers.

Brazilians would be watching developments closely and be concerned about being left out in the cold. South Americans and Africans are likely to react poorly to indications that the major powers are trying to control First Contact response. This is where the United Nations comes into play. It’s the only venue we have for government participation in world matters. Through the UN General Assembly, nations such as Brazil and Egypt can voice concerns and suggest options for First Contact response. This means bringing issues to the General Assembly and not just the UN Security Council.

The United States

In his 1997 inaugural address President Clinton said “America stands alone as the world’s indispensible nation.”

That statement, and the debate over the concept of America being indispensible, has plenty to consider for First Contact. American popular media seems to imply that the United States would be the first stop and the last stop for visiting extraterrestrials. This arrogance is probably not surprising to the rest of the world. American pronouncements of “exceptionalism” have raised hackles for decades.

President Obama has sought to change the national philosophy in foreign policy. The indispensible nation now seems to find value in a more measured leadership role, one that allows other nations room to grow and lead. It’s an important difference in leadership and one that seems ready-made for life After First Contact. In the wake of First Contact, it will be important for the United States to take a leadership role, without dominating the discussion. This won’t be easy, primarily because there will be Americans arguing for complete control of diplomacy and other issues After First Contact. A lot will depend on the style of leadership of the President of the United States. A President that believes in equal world participation will be more likely to work for the inclusion of other nations in the decision-making process. A more nationalist president could be a serious challenge to inclusion. We tend to think of our nation as stable and solid, and it is, compared to many other nations. However, we have a serious fracture developing behind the scenes. It’s hard to pinpoint because it manifests in many different ways: anti-government, pro-gun, religiously conservative and seemingly distressed over national diversity of cultures. What ties these groups together is a fear of big government and a distrust of the United Nations. These separate groups could coalesce into serious opposition to United Nations involvement in First Contact. It could also turn into outright rejection of extraterrestrial diplomacy, an opinion that other minority groups, in nations across the planet, may express after the shock of First Contact wears off. This may provide the biggest challenge of all in the wake of First Contact.

The reaction of the U.S. government is important because of the robust nature of the scientific community in the U.S. and the ties to space exploration lead by NASA. The U.S. is also home to a number of groups that have actively considered First Contact issues, including the SETI Institute.

Extraterrestrials would be advised to carefully consider U.S. involvement in the initial moments of First Contact. The appearance of an American government controlled First Contact could be extremely problematic when it comes to world reaction. The United States may have the media and scientific communities best able to handle First Contact, but that shouldn’t mean that such an event is recognized as American First Contact, versus global First Contact.

The Fringe Nations

Fringe nations fall outside of the normal blocs of power. They may seem like unpredictable provocateurs, but many analysts have pointed to the logic in the seemingly illogical actions. North Korea is a prime example. Once again, they are posturing and threatening. To what end? The same ends they have pursued in the past: using the threat of violence to secure aid in the form of food and goods and using threats to world powers to secure the power of the North Korean leadership. That makes leader Kim Jong Un perfectly logical according to psychoanalyst Heath King. So, might North Korea once again posture and make threats to gain a seat at the table in the wake of extraterrestrial First Contact? It seems logical.

The same could be said of slightly less isolated nations such as Iran and Venezuela. Their hatred of the United States would clearly be an important factor in their reaction to First Contact. As with much of the Arab world, if First Contact is perceived as an American event it seems likely it will provoke a negative reaction from these nations. What does that mean for diplomacy with extraterrestrials? It would be a lot tougher for the UN to focus on alien diplomacy if it is coping with threats coming from fringe nations.

How will humans handle First Contact? That may depend on the thought and consideration put into First Contact by extraterrestrials. One would assume that such visitors would have a well-considered plan for First Contact that would take into account many of these national reactions. This assumes, of course, that aliens give a damn about our reaction. I think, though, if they plan a friendly introduction these would be important considerations. And if aliens hope for a long-term relationship with humans, these considerations and many more would be essential. 

What do you think? Join the conversation on the Alien First Contact Facebook page.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Extraterrestrial Contact: Elements of an Organized Introduction and Human Response

I’ve proposed various elements of extraterrestrial contact over the years. Perhaps it’s time to combine those elements into one list. This list would apply to dramatic and direct First Contact; that is, contact where an extraterrestrial civilization arrives in our solar system to say hello. I don’t think that this has happened or is likely to happen, but I do think it deserves some consideration. We’ll have to make a couple of big assumptions to get started. The first would be that the aliens in question mean us no ill-will. The second would be that they don’t have any agenda other than saying hello. This would be what I call a “reaction-neutral” introduction, or one that was not designed to provoke a particular response or action on the part of humans. I think this could be best described as a diplomatic or scientific mission. This is a simple scenario and the real thing would likely be more complex. However, these basic actions would still apply to even a more complex situation.

The list begins with alien actions and continues with human actions.

Alien Actions

Introduction: The method of introduction would be critical. To truly be “reaction-neutral” the hello would need to come to all humans and not filtered through a particular government, institution or corporation. There is a multitude of ways this could be carried out. It would seem that some alien consideration of human public relations would be necessary in determining the method.

Allow humans to respond: Once there is an introduction it would be important for extraterrestrials to allow some space for humans to digest this new situation and formulate a response. With any luck, the “reaction-neutral” introduction would not lead to excessive conflict between nations or some sort of hostile reaction.

Communicate with us: Alien communication would depend on their reason for saying hello in the first place. This motive, or more likely complex motives, would likely drive all of their actions. The message communicated to us would have a huge impact on our reaction. Humans will want to know immediately why aliens are saying hello and what expectations those aliens have for a relationship with us. Humans would also need assurances that extraterrestrials would respect our right to determine how contact and diplomacy proceeds and respect our right to autonomy. Extraterrestrials would also need to communicate all physical actions they take on Earth, or in our solar system, well ahead of time, so there is no surprise after the initial introduction event.

Reassure us: As I stated before, human public relations would be important at each step in the alien introduction and eventual diplomatic relations. Primary to this would be issues of public safety and human autonomy. One would hope the extraterrestrials in question had studied us long enough to have a public relations plan that would address these concerns. That plan would need to adapt to changing circumstances on Earth. One could lay out what they might expect from human reaction, but it seems likely unanticipated situations would arise, requiring new public relations efforts. Remember, a public relations effort does not necessarily mean alien spin doctors and salesmanship. At its heart, public relations work is merely a way of communicating with humans to carry out a specific goal. That goal would go back to the alien motives for saying hello.

Move slowly and deliberately: Any action will have the opportunity for confusion and misinterpretation by humans. All alien actions would need to be clearly communicated ahead of time and made as simple as possible to understand, especially in the early days of diplomacy.

Share information in an organized process: If extraterrestrials were more advanced than us in science and technology, there would be a big learning curve if we hoped to understand science and technology from their perspective. This would require some form of education, first for human academics and eventually for the wider population. This would be important for the relationship. It would also be, perhaps, quite difficult to develop. Assuming extraterrestrials had already learned human languages, there would still be issues of biology and culture to overcome. Aliens with a very different biology could have very different senses and thus a unique perspective on the environment and universe. Cultural differences would also likely create a gulf between humans and extraterrestrials. One would hope that extraterrestrials would consider such matters and have a plan of action.

Human Actions

Develop a framework for diplomacy: Humans are not clear about how we think relations with extraterrestrials should proceed. It has been seriously considered by only a small group of academics and writers and there is no consensus. Who should be in charge of diplomacy? Governments, the United Nations or scientific bodies? How do we ensure that all humans are represented and that the form of diplomacy does not allow a particular institution or government to control extraterrestrial relations for their own benefit?

Support transparency:  This is perhaps the most important element of the human response to First Contact. Any attempt to hide such an event from the public eye would create conflict and mistrust, perhaps to a dangerous extent. Transparency goes hand in hand with objectivity (not favoring a particular nation). Not only does the introduction need to be made to the entire planet, but it also needs to stay squarely in the public eye, with all deliberations and decisions, to the extent possible, made public. This could prove tougher and tougher as many serious matters arise, especially in making decisions about information dissemination from the aliens to humans. Clearly, one could not hope to make decisions about what information was safe to release to humanity, while sifting through that information in public. Even for matters that must remain hidden, the entire process could remain transparent.

Move slowly and deliberately: Any alien action will have the opportunity for confusion and misinterpretation. All actions, alien and human, would need to be clearly communicated ahead of time and made as simple as possible to understand, especially in the early days of diplomacy. This applies just as much to humans as it does aliens. The primary risk in human reaction is some wave of panic brought on by confusion or misinterpretation. Human governments and institutions will need to be on guard for such situations. Transparency is the best way to prevent this problem.

Allow for protection: Any type of First Contact would create a feeling of threat, to some degree. Direct First Contact would create a high degree of concern, due to the close proximity of visiting extraterrestrials. It would be natural for human governments to put military units on alert. Caution to some degree is inevitable and probably quite prudent. However, hostile reactions by humans are possible, especially if there is confusion in the process. Extraterrestrials would need to communicate all actions well ahead of time and humans would need to keep tight control over military units monitoring First Contact.

Determine a framework for information sharing: We will need to carefully consider the impact of sharing information with extraterrestrials. If they are advanced in technology this could pose a real problem for our world economy and our sciences. Perhaps this would be a role for scientific bodies representing the primary areas of concern? A panel could study the possible impact and develop a road forward for disseminating alien information.

Watch the world economy: Direct First Contact could create great swings in world economic markets as investors try to determine what extraterrestrial contact means for various industries and businesses. Careful attention to world markets and possible controls for wild fluctuations would be important.

Monitor fringe groups: Human reaction could come in a range of responses, from calm and thoughtful to frightened and violent. It seems likely that large institutions and governments would be more likely to react calmly due to a balanced nature of power sharing and decision making inherent in such entities. Fringe groups are another matter. Due to their small size and tendency towards radical views, they could react in haste. This could be a real problem, especially if fringe group reactions get extensive coverage in the news media. The reaction of small religious and political groups could eventually have an influence on the wider public, creating all sorts of issues for the human response.

Examine the future of our civilization: High information First Contact would have a big impact on our civilization. There would be a great need for an organized and well-developed consideration of that impact. From that effort could develop a plan for moving forward to ensure that human contact with extraterrestrials is beneficial to humans for generations to come.

What do you think? Join the conversation on the Alien First Contact Facebook page.