Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Extraterrestrial First Contact: The Human To-do List

Aliens may not want to say hello until we get our human act together. What could that to-do list for humanity entail? It’s all speculation on my part, but here are a few things I would consider important under current conditions:

-COVID-19 under control worldwide

-Internal governmental stability for all nations with nuclear weapons

-Stable relations between primary nuclear weapons nations

-Stable international relations overall

-No disasters requiring global response

Why would aliens care about such things? These major international issues go directly to the state of well-being of our civilization. COVID-19 response is requiring a great deal of focus and resources worldwide. It could be detrimental for humans to be distracted during such a crisis. Unstable international relations could create human conflict in the wake of an alarming announcement, such as First Contact.

However, we have seen brief periods in recent history where we have met those objectives. Just go back to pre-COVID years, perhaps several years back to achieve the internal governmental stability point in the United States, and yet no contact. So, there could be other criteria for extraterrestrial representatives to consider that have not been achieved yet. Those could include the human ability to see out into the universe with greater clarity, and perhaps, an organized approach to solving some mysteries here at home. Here are a few ideas:

-James Webb Space Telescope operational (Projected 2022)

-Intentional use of high-tech equipment to investigate UAP (Galileo Project announced 2021 – this is the latest update from Dr. Loeb, who is organizing the effort)

-Joint international initiative to investigate UAP (Not yet)

That is, of course, my entirely human perspective. Alien representatives could also be waiting for yak mating season to begin in Mongolia. At least the next yak mating season is inevitable (July and August). The top portion of that list is questionable for human achievement. I do think that if extraterrestrials wish us well- meaning, they want to see humans survive our challenges and progress as a civilization- those extraterrestrial representatives would be concerned about the impact of First Contact and would take such matters into consideration. My list is probably off by a mile. But I would place a sizeable bet that if an extraterrestrial civilization is considering saying hello – they will have a list of some sort, perhaps much of it beyond our current comprehension.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


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