Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Extraterrestrial First Contact: Top Ten Challenges for Humans

Everyone loves a good top ten list. While I would be hesitant to call the topics on this list good- here are what I would call the top 10 challenges for humans and a look at how extraterrestrial interaction with high-information sharing could help in overcoming those challenges. Or not. With an emphasis on not.
Clean Energy Needs

Technology requires power. Developing countries need more power. The US Government predicts that the world demand for energy will increase 56 percent by 2040.  Fossil fuels supply 80 percent of world energy. While renewable and nuclear power production is growing by 2 percent a year, it’s not anywhere near enough to keep up with demand. The burning of fossil fuels has a major impact on climate change. The eventual depletion of fossil fuels could lead to serious conflict. That’s why energy is the number one concern. If we do make contact with extraterrestrials someday, insight into their energy technology would probably be at the top of our “ask” list. However, it is not likely that we would easily understand alien science. It could take years of communication for alien advice to do us any good. Our science is likely to be very different from extraterrestrial science. Merging the two, if the aliens were even willing to share, could be a long process. Even then, we need to consider the dangers of such information sharing- including how it could harm our civilization.The best bet could be to have aliens look at our technology and provide ideas for improving our techniques in areas such as nuclear fusion and traveling-wave fission. 

Climate Change

Humans finally seem to be grasping the enormity of climate change. It currently impacts our weather, causing rippling effects across the planet for humans and nature. Sea level rise is becoming a major concern in many nations. And yet we have done little to respond. This was brought to the forefront recently at the UN. The primary actions driving climate change are the burning of fossil fuels and food production. The changes needed to tackle these issues will be hard on everyone. They will require a major investment of money and people-power, and significant lifestyle adjustments for humans. Even if aliens did help us with ideas on how to create clean energy, there would still need to be massive changes to cope with the mess that we have already created. It's such a complicated set of Earth-specific challenges that it is unlikely alien technology could help much. We could ask for advice on how to change our atmosphere. Perhaps alien scientists would have a method for removing carbon dioxide? Unless it was a quick fix, humans would still need to deal with the current problems created by global warming.

Ecological Collapse

Climate change and other human-caused environmental impacts are causing many species to go extinct. Some are calling it ecological collapse. The attention to the subject has tended to focus on mammals. The bigger issue may be insects. Scientists report a decline of more than 75 percent in insect biomass across nature areas in Germany between 1989 and 2016. Insects are part of the foundation of our biological world. Another study shows a massive decline in the number of birds in North America. Our environment is a fragile network of species working in concert. When species go extinct in the insect world there is a direct and immediate impact on the entire ecosystem, and that includes agriculture. It is unlikely that extraterrestrials would have ideas to help us with our ecology. It is specific to our planet. We have been studying Earth ecology for hundreds of years. The problems caused by the extinction of species will be ours to solve.

Nuclear War

It is a sign of our times that I put the threat of nuclear war behind these other challenges. It is just as dangerous a situation as ever. The other challenges have simply surpassed it in the level of threat. I don’t see alien interaction helping much in the area of nuclear proliferation. If anything, we would run the risk of hawks wanting to put nuclear weaponry into space to protect us from extraterrestrials.

Conventional Warfare

Alien First Contact, especially high-information contact, could create many stresses on human society. In the worst case scenario this could lead to war between nations. The most important part of any alien contact strategy would be to have all nations involved in the process and to quickly resolve problems as they arise.

Famine and Illness

Climate change and ecological collapse could easily move famine and illness to the top of the list. This is another area where humans will be on their own. Aliens would be unlikely to have advice about human agriculture. Illness is becoming a bigger issue with the rise of superbugs. Our overuse of antibacterials has created drug resistant strains. This is rapidly becoming a huge dilemma in developing countries, such as India, and the threat is growing in many other nations. Human science will need to get us out of this one, as well.

Human Migration

The movement of humans is already a source of major conflict in the world. It is likely to grow worse as climate change renders some areas of the Earth uninhabitable. We will need to work together to solve all of these problems. The movement of humans from one country to others will be a tough one to negotiate. Aliens wouldn't be able to help us with human migration. As with all human social dilemmas in the wake of alien First Contact, it would be our problem to solve.

Population Growth

Despite a decline in population growth, the UN projects that there will be more than 11 billion humans on the planet in 2100. That makes many of the other issues on this list much tougher to solve. Once again, this is something we would have to deal with on our own. One interesting side note- countries such as Japan may be facing a dangerous decline in population in the coming decades. There could be a solution found in human migration, if we can manage to put up with each other.

Repressive Governments

Repressive governments, and democratic governments becoming isolated from the international community, will be significant impediments in the quest to overcome the challenges I list here. Once again, there is not much aliens could or should do about our governments. In fact, we would want to make sure extraterrestrials didn’t interfere in any of our institutions.


The wide-scale problems caused by cybercrime include everything from the hacking of business and government computer networks to interference in elections. It’s the latest example of how our technology can quickly be used to hurt us. Perhaps aliens would have some insight for how to better protect ourselves, but once again, the human Internet is likely a unique creation. We will probably have to solve these problems on our own.


As you can see, I don’t think that alien information would help in solving most of these human challenges. In the long-term, there could be some technological benefit from interaction with extraterrestrials. In the short-term, such a relationship would likely create more challenges than benefits. That does not mean that we should stick our collective heads in the sand in hopes that aliens will go away. The revelation of First Contact would be an inevitable part of the growth of humanity. If handled correctly, it could be an exciting step forward. Such steps do not come without conflict.

There is powerful part of alien First Contact that I have left out- the impact to the human perspective. First Contact could lead to a better understanding of our role in the universe. Perhaps we would then view people from other countries, and humans from other races and cultures, as not so different from ourselves. That could create better international cooperation. The key will be how leaders react. If they rise above the fray, and help humans to see the big picture, we could benefit greatly from First Contact. If they fail, and lead us into greater conflict, we could suffer for many generations to come. All of the issues on this list would continue to get worse. So, how do average humans make a difference? They will need to stand up and be heard. If the majority of people on the planet press for positive change in the wake of First Contact, leaders will be forced to listen. First Contact could be an opportunity for humans to choose a new path forward.

Photo by Srikanta H. U on Unsplash

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