Monday, August 19, 2019

Extraterrestrial First Contact: A New Era and the Three Periods for Humanity

Alien First Contact of any type will bring a major shift in perspective for humanity. Direct First Contact, extraterrestrials visiting our solar system to say hello, would create a new era for humanity. Human history could forever be marked as Before First Contact and After First Contact. I have expressed optimism for what that massive change in perspective could do for humanity. It could cause us to find new importance in our international relations. The realization that we are in this together may increase cooperation between countries here on Earth. If aliens provide us with new information about our place in the universe that too could change our perspective. Perhaps they would also have insight into our climate change issues and clean energy needs?

I don’t think that entrance into a new era will come easily. It seems to me that the impact of First Contact on human civilization would likely occur in three major phases. The first would be the Stunned Period. Humans would simply watch in awe as events unfold. It may seem remarkably peaceful at first. It is simply the eye of the storm. Within a matter of days or weeks the Stunned Period will dissipate.

The Stunned Period is not without dangers. Our world leaders will decide how First Contact proceeds. If they react poorly, the Stunned Period could quickly turn into chaos. One nation taking rogue military action against visiting extraterrestrials is an example. The nations with larger military forces, and better technology, will not only need to keep their forces calm, but be prepared to react to a rogue nation attack, such as the firing of an ICBM. Similarly, there will be a threat posed by every fighter jet or missile battery within range of an extraterrestrial craft. It would take great discipline to keep first responders and members of the military calm and yet vigilant. All militaries, in all nations, will need to be on alert in case of Direct First Contact. Just because aliens say they are here in peace doesn’t mean that is really the case. But we cannot be on a hair trigger alert. It is too dangerous. There must be a level of vigilance that is high enough to protect, while staying well away from imminent action.

Up next would be the Initial Reaction Period. In this period, all of the old hostilities and fears inherent in human relations would resurface. I believe that the Initial Reaction could be quite chaotic. Many voices will be screaming to be heard. Many groups will have differing opinions about how humans should act. Those opinions will likely fall on a continuum between fear and optimism. Some groups will want humans to protect themselves at any cost and no matter what the stated intentions of the aliens. Others will be wildly optimistic, wanting as much contact as possible to occur as quickly as possible. Within that cacophony of opinions will be extremist groups, some threatening to take physical action if they don’t get their way. Those actions could be violent. The degree to which the Initial Reaction is chaotic will depend on two primary factors: the responsiveness of governments to matters as they arise and the commonality of those government responses worldwide. If nations come together in a unified response and show the public both strong organization and care for public opinion, the violence could be quelled. If nations react slowly, and without disciplined leadership, the chaos could spread. If nations fight with each other, and have vastly different responses to First Contact, the chaos could be a world-wide phenomenon.

I believe that eventually humanity would be able to rise above the chaos and come to a consensus plan to move forward. Once again- how long that takes depends on the actions of individual nations. If governments are responsive and decisive the chaotic period could be short. When there is an international agreement on moving forward we will enter the third period, which I will call the Settlement Period. In this sense I use this dictionary definition of Settlement: an agreement composing differences. There will undoubtedly be differences in how nations think First Contact should proceed. The Settlement is the airing of those differences followed by negotiation and resolution. Why call it the Settlement Period? This process is likely to go on for many years, with each new situation bringing about a need for the airing of differences followed by negotiation and resolution. The primary sense of Settlement would be that all nations have a common process in place to solve problems and agree that using the process is better than conflict.

International relations are currently problematic here on Earth, to say the least. However, the way we are acting now doesn’t mean that we can’t rise above our differences in the future and provide a strong, unified response to extraterrestrial First Contact. I believe that anything is possible when it comes to humanity. We just have to believe in ourselves and trust each other.

Photo by Sadman Sakib on Unsplash

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